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Santos House of Hope

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In the early 1930s, the polio vaccine had not yet been discovered. The disease, which often killed or caused paralysis, grew alarmingly in Santos, drawing the attention of the physician Samuel Augusto Leão de Moura, who, with the support of a group of Rotarians, created assistance for the poor and crippled child. Thus, an informal support service for the victims of the disease was born.

In the first phase, medical care was provided by the Sociedade de Beneficência Portuguesa, which made some beds and facilities available. In May 1948, the construction of a hospital was initiated on land given, under a lending regime, by the Brazilian Assistance Legion. This hospital operated under the auspices of the Rotary Club of Santos until June 1957, when an assembly, specially convened, created the Casa da Esperança Association.

Founded on July 24, 1957, the Casa da Esperança de Santos aims to enable / rehabilitate children and adolescents with physical, intellectual and / or sensory disabilities, aged 0 to 18 years old, dependent on low-income families, through treatment provided by its multidisciplinary medical-therapeutic team. It also welcomes those responsible for patients through a support and incentive program to generate income.

To carry out its mission and maintain the excellence of services, Casa da Esperança de Santos has the collaboration of companies, entities and thousands of people who are directly or indirectly involved, who recognize the value of the services provided to the 9 municipalities of Baixada Santista.



Development of the physical, intellectual and / or sensory potential of their rehabilitators, for community and school inclusion, based on the strengthening of the family bond.



Children and Adolescents 0 The 18 years with motor, intellectual impairment mild to moderate, associated or no to motor difficulties, no paralytic, which simultaneously affects the intellectual capacity and the performance of the movement and sensory coordination of his neuropathological capacity, central and peripheral.

Sectors Doctors and Therapists

Physiotherapy - Soil and Aquatic

Speech Therapy








Social service

Occupational therapy



Luiz Fernando Caramico

Atual Gestão 

Nascido a 28 de Outubro de 1967. Administrador formado pela Universidade Católica de Santos, pós graduado em Administração da produção pela Fundação Vanzolini. Casado com Irene Barrio D. Carvalho, e pai de 2 filhos. Sócio da empresa Bascar SA. Foi presidente do Rotary Club de Santos no ano rotário 2020/2021.

Charles Ferreira Dias

Gestão – Março de 2017 à março de 2023

Born on October 26, 1968.
Physician, graduated from the Faculty of Medical Sciences of Santos - FCMS, married to Ana Lucia Añel dos Santos Ferreira, 02 children.
Partner Director of the company Perfil Gestão Ocupacional.
Admitted to Rotary in 2003.
President of the Rotary Club of Santos in The Rotary Year 2011 - 2012.
Assistant Governor of District 4420 - Area 9 - in Rotary Year 2014 - 2015.

Samuel Augusto Leão de Moura

Founder and President
Management - July 1957 to August 1978

Physician, founder of the Rotary Club of Santos in 1927, having held the presidency of the Club three times: 1930/1931, 1935/1936 and 1967/1968. District Governor in 1931/1932, having held various positions on many Boards of Directors. He founded the Rotary Club of Campinas. He was a stimulator and active participant in almost all philanthropic movements in Santos. I brought to the Club the ideal of providing assistance to the poor and crippled child, having been president of this Commission for many years. Represented the President of Rotary International at district conferences in Chile and Peru. Founder of Casa da Esperança and its President until his death, on August 3, 1978. He always had the permanent and precious collaboration of Vanjú, his wife, the Rotarians and the people of the City.

Luiz Shiguetoshi Yanagi

Management - August 1978 to February 1987

Physician, graduated from the Faculty of Medicine of the University of São Paulo, specializing in orthopedics and traumatology. Married to Maria Helena Yanagi, with two daughters. Professionally successful, he worked at the Santa Cruz Orthopedic Institute, of which he was a partner-owner. He was a Professor at the Faculty of Medicine of Santos and a full-time doctor at Santos Futebol Clube. A Rotarian, he assumed the presidency of the Rotary Club of Santos in the 1980/1981 term, having received the “Ateneu” Award in the area of Community Services, granted by the Rotary Club of São Paulo. He started his work at Casa da Esperança as a surgeon for his clinical staff, at the time that the Casa performed surgical interventions. He assumed the presidency adopting with extreme dedication the founding ideals of the House. It promoted Seminars and Lectures, opening, through the Leão de Moura Institute, opportunities for debate on medical-scientific advances in the area of physical, intellectual and sensory rehabilitation. In conjunction with the Rotary Club of Santos, on the occasion chaired by José Francisco Rollemberg, he organized the “I Santista Symposium of the Physically Disabled”, responsible for the coming to Santos of the benefactor of humanity Albert Sabin. He founded the Casa da Esperança Association Dr. Samuel Augusto Leão de Moura in Cubatão. He died prematurely at age 52.

Alvaro de Freitas Guimarães

Management - February 1987 to February 1991

Born on September 4, 1902, he attended primary and junior high school at the former Gymnasio Municipal Santista, where he finished his Accounting course. He began his professional life in 1919, at the Bolsa do Café de Santos, which he inaugurated on September 7, 1922, in the building he still occupies today. During his life, he served as adviser, management and director of significant companies in the high coffee trade in Santos. He was a member of the Boards of Directors of the Commercial Association of Santos, of the Federation of Commerce of the State of São Paulo and of the Board of Directors of SESC-SENAC, in addition to being a director of CEAGESP and dedicated part of his time to sports, charitable activities and religious brotherhoods. He held positions on various boards of the Rotary Club de Santos between 1954 and 1965. He was reinstated to Rotary in 1978, on the proposal of Mr. Hélio Cesário Cardoso. He was the founder of Casa da Esperança, whose presidency he held for two terms between March 1987 and February 1991. At an advanced age, he became a Veteran Member of the Rotary Club of Santos and a “Paul Harris” member. He died on December 28, 1995, at the age of 93, leaving his marriage to Dilza Alfaya de Freitas Guimarães, three children, seven grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren.

Paulo José de Oliveira

Management - March 1991 to February 1995

Doctor, married to Evangelina Moura de Oliveira (Geinha), with 9 children and grandchildren. He joined the Rotary Club of Santos in 1942, being secretary in 1944/1945 and president in 1945/1946, having actively participated in several boards. He founded the Santos-Praia and Santos-Oeste Rotary Clubs. During his presidency, the Rotary Club of Santos received an Honorable Mention diploma from Rotary International in the area of Community Service. In 1995 he received the “Rotary Service Above Self Award”. He was dean of Rotarians in District 4420, with 57 years of Rotary experience. Founder of Casa da Esperança, having been secretary, vice president and president.

Roberto Luiz Barroso

Management - February 1995 to February 1999

Civil engineer, graduated from the Polytechnic School of PUC in Rio de Janeiro, married to Isa Maria Rocha Barroso, with three children and four grandchildren, working professionally in the area of civil construction, as owner-partner of ENGEPLUS Construtora e Incorporadora Ltda., After well successful career at Indústrias Villares S / A. He has always dedicated himself intensively to associative and community activities, having assumed, among others, the following management positions: President of the Rotary Club of Santos (1981/1982), President of the Rotarian Foundation of Santos (1986/1987), President of the Tenis Club de Santos (1989/1990), President of the Casa da Esperança Association (Feb.95 to Feb.99), where he continues to provide his valuable collaboration as Vice President, also working in the Heritage area. It was during his tenure that Casa da Esperança received the “1998 Good Efficiency Award” granted to the 50 best-managed charities in the country, having also successfully launched the “Padrinho-Esperança” campaign with Treasurer Hélio Cesário Cardoso, today an important foundation in covering the Institution's expenses. The new Physiotherapy wing of the Casa, erected and inaugurated in its management, also represented a significant addition to the Casa's patrimony.

Lamartine Lélio Busnardo

Management - February 1999 to February 2013

Dental surgeon graduated in 1963 from the Faculty of Dentistry of the Pontifical Catholic University of Campinas.
Married to Surgeon Dentist Aurea Pinheiro de Freitas Busnardo, together with their children André Gustavo, engineer, Fábio, doctor, Thiago, business administrator, daughters-in-law Diana, Ana Paula, Ana Beatriz and grandchildren Beatriz, Lucas, Matheus and Lorenzo a family where we try to live the values of this Institution and strive to witness its foundations. One of the priorities of his life, also in Rotary, is the promotion of the family, emphasizing the connection between family life and peace.
Private practice, with the beginning of professional activities in August 1964.
Dentist in the Federal Public Service, having worked in the National Department of Sanitation Works and in the Federal Police Department.
Former assistant professor of the Integrated Clinic Chair at the Faculty of Dentistry of the Metropolitan University of Santos.
Member of the Association of Dental Surgeons of Baixada Santista - Regional APCD, he held several positions on the Board of Directors, including Scientific Director, Director of the School of Professional Improvement and Member of the Fiscal Council. At the moment presides over the Deliberative Council of this entity.
President of the 13th CIOLP - International Dentistry Congress of the Litoral Paulista - 2005.
Dental Merit Medal, received in 2001, granted by the Municipality of Santos, Union of Dentists of Santos and Association of Dental Surgeons of Santos, São Vicente and the Atlantic Forest Coast Region.
Medal for the Professional Ethics Week in 2007 in accordance with Municipal Law No. 1287 of December 3, 1993 from the municipality of Santos.
Tiradentes Medal and Commendation granted by the Regional Dentistry Council - São Paulo in 2010.
Member of the General Council of the Brotherhood of Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Santos: 1st Third 1989/1998, 2nd Third 1998/2007, 3rd Third 2007/2016.
Admitted to the Rotary Club of Santos on 11/06/1975.
President of the Rotary Club of Santos in the Rotary year 1985/86.
Rotarian Merit Medal received in 2008 from the Santos City Council.
President of the Casa da Esperança Association in the 1999-2001, 2001-2003, 2003-2005, 2005-2007, 2007-2009, 2009-2011, 2011-2013 bienniums. He is currently Vice-President of the Institution.
Title of Citizen of Santista granted by the Municipality of Santos, according to Legislative Decree nº 25 authored by councilman Bráz Antunes Mattos Neto on October 5, 2012.

 Roberto Luiz Barroso

Management - March / 2013 to March / 2017

Civil engineer, graduated from the Polytechnic School of PUC in Rio de Janeiro, married to Isa Maria Rocha Barroso, with three children and six grandchildren, working professionally in the area of civil construction, as owner-partner of ENGEPLUS Construtora e Incorporadora Ltda., After well successful career at Indústrias Villares S / A. He has always dedicated himself intensively to associative and community activities, having assumed, among others, the following executive positions: President of the Rotary Club of Santos (1981/1982), President of the Rotarian Foundation of Santos (1986/1987), President of the Tenis Club de Santos (1989/1990). He was awarded the following honorary titles: “Paul Harris Fellow” of The Rotary Foundation (Major Donnor), “Braz Cubas Trophy”, in 1997, in the benevolence category, distinguished with the “Santos Engineers and Architects Association Medal” in 1999, for his work in the community and for acts in favor of the profession, title of Citizen Santista granted by the Municipality of Santos by indication of the councilor Manoel Constantino in 1999, holder in 2002 of the “Presidential Mention of Rotary International”, for services rendered on the four Grand Commissions: Internal, Professional, Community and International Services, Honorary member of Rotary Club Santos Oeste since 2006 and Diploma of “Friend of the 2nd Bil” (2nd Battalion of Light Infantry) in 2006. He was president of the Casa da Esperança Association from 1995 to 1999, vice president from 1999 to 2013, once again holding the presidency for management from 2013 to 2015. It was during his tenure that Casa da Esperança received the “ 1998 Bem Eficiente Award ”granted to the 50 best-managed charities in the country, having also successfully launched, together with Treasurer Hélio Cesário Cardoso, the“ Padrinho-Esperança ”campaign, today an important foundation for covering the Institution's expenses. The House's new Physiotherapy wing, erected and inaugurated in its management, also represented a significant addition to the House's assets, as well as the Daily Living Activity Room, Respiratory Physiotherapy Unit, implantation of Electronic Health Record and renovation of the hydrotherapy pool.