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Termos e Condições

NOTA: O Distrito 4420 está em processo de homologação da integração de dados entre os sites do distrito e de seus clubes e o banco de dados do Rotary International. Quando for finalizado o processo serão disponibilizadas as traduções desses documentos para o português.

This Agreement represents the complete Agreement and understanding between District 4420 and the Club (Rotary Club, or Rotary Family club, as Rotaract, Interact, Partner’s clubs or Rotary Programs), of any tools or resources offered by the District 4420.

Now, therefore, for the mutual consideration set forth herein, the adequacy of which is hereby acknowledged, the Club and District 4420, intending to be legally bound, hereby agree as follows:


This agreement details the terms and condition under which the Club will receive the services from District 4420:


Under the terms of this agreement the Club will be entitled to a web site that displays the Club’s events, news and other services available. It is the responsibility of the Club to provide a logo and content to their club site. The site contents and intended purpose is for Club members, friends and public in general to share and collaborate on Club-related issues and events, and may not be expanded beyond the interest of the club activities. The contents of the web site should be in line with the Club’s policies and practice and may not include any illegal or potentially offending material to the public. In addition, any content and/or graphics posted on the club site must adhere to copyright laws within the governing country that the club is chartered and is in operation. The Club is fully responsible for any claims made regarding copyright infringement and the District 4420 relinquishes all liability and will not be occupied in any legal action for the content and/or graphics in question. District 4420 reserves the right to terminate this agreement and remove the Clubs website partially or entirely at any time if the content, message or attitude of the club site is deemed controversial or offensive to the public. This decision is made at District 4420 discretion. District 4420 will be free to do so without prior notice and/or explanation. Each club will be entitled to a web site accessed with an address as a subdirectory of the District 4420 URL. Any club that wishes to register or already has their own URL needs to set this up with their domain registrar, and can have this URL aliased to the District 4420 URL.

Usage Guidelines

Bandwidth, storage and e-mail traffic for the service is imposed to be within reasonable limit, within limits provided by District 4420 host provider. Limits and modifications may apply to the amount and sizes of uploaded documents and photos.


The District 4420 site pages and e-mail bulletins sent from District 4420 or Clubs may contain advertising. This advertising is controlled by District 4420. The Club may have their own advertising section, referred to as Website Sponsors, where ads of local establishments or businesses can be posted to appear throughout the Club site and e-mail bulletin. This is administered and controlled entirely by the Club, and the Club would set their own pricing and policies in line with their standard practices. District 4420 cannot and will not be held responsible for policies created by the Club.


By using the email services eventually available in District 4420, you confirm and agree that you will not use the system to send unsolicited emails. You certify that all non-members added to your distribution list have given you express consent (have opted-in) to receive emails. District 4420 cannot be held liable for any damages incurred by the Club as a result of sending unwanted emails.

Use of Cookies & Demographic Data Collection

While using our structure, a log of your IP address may be recorded. General demographic data is also collected through our site via cookies to track user interactions & sessions for aggregate use. IP addresses are not linked to personally identifiable information. Use of the overall website permits District 4420 to store log files to analyze site usage patterns, browser type, etc. for statistical purposes.


Limitation of Liability

It is expressly agreed that District 4420 is not liable for damages hereunder, regardless of the form of legal action, whether in contract or in tort, including negligence.

Service Availability and Response Time

District 4420 will exert its best possible effort to ensure the availability and response time of it’s online services, but the Club acknowledges that it will accept this service on an as-is basis, and no guarantees would be implied on either availability hours or response time.

Third Party Usage

By using third party applications (including Social Media tools), you understand and agree that District 4420 cannot be held liable or responsible for the validity, copyright, legality, security or all other lawful aspects associated with the usage of the third party application(s). The Club is responsible for reviewing the policies of the application providers.

No Consequential Damages

In no event shall District 4420 be liable hereunder for special, indirect or consequential damages, including, but not limited to, loss of profits, loss of revenue, loss of use or loss of data, even if advised of the possibility thereof, or, if reasonably foreseeable, incurred by the Club or claimed against the Club by any other party, nor shall District 4420 be held liable for any damages whatsoever resulting from an event of force majeure. District 4420 liability for death or personal injury resulting from the negligence of District 4420 or that of its employees or agents or in relation to any other liability which may not by applicable law be excluded or limited is not excluded or limited and nothing in this agreement shall be construed as an attempt to exclude or limit such liability.

Ownership Rights

District 4420 retains all ownership rights on the systems offered, including the Club Site, and has the right to use the Club Site, logo, name, and all testimonials given from the club and its members (whether active or ex-members) for its own purposes, including listing your link and/or screenshot on District’s main website or advertorial material including case studies. All work created by District 4420 is protected by Copyright law. All content, membership information and photos added by the club is owned by the Club. Any unauthorized use or duplication of District 4420 work, including but not limited to HTML, ASP, JavaScript, VBScript code, logos, page design or layout, themes, stylesheets, and/or data is illegal, and will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

Domain Name Ownership Rights

In the event that a Club transfers the management of their domain name to District 4420 or has District 4420 register a domain name on their behalf, all ownership rights to that domain belong solely to the Club. District 4420 does not express ownership rights on any domain registrations or transfers initiated on behalf of the Club. A Club can request to have this name transferred to their own account or management at any time although refunds will not be issued.

Terms Changing and Updates

These Terms and Conditions supersedes any other written or oral agreement. All the Terms and Conditions, or any service specification can be changed without notice.

Governing Law

This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of São Paulo State, Brazil. Any eventual dispute will be placed only in São Paulo city jurisdiction.

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