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Política de Privacidade

NOTA: O Distrito 4420 está em processo de homologação da integração de dados entre os sites do distrito e de seus clubes com o banco de dados do Rotary International. Quando for finalizado o processo serão disponibilizadas as traduções desses documentos para o português.

This page sets out our privacy policy and describes why and how we collect, use and disclose all personal information which you provide to Rotary International, to District 4420, to your Rotary Club or Rotary Family club (Rotaract Club, Interact Club, Partner’s Clubs, Rotary Programs, etc) or personally thru our website.

What Information may we have access?

Some features of the website need some personal information to work, as your name, address, phone numbers, e-mail, birth date, classification, marriage status and partner information, work or company data, and other that you choose to provide to your Rotary Club when you were admitted as a Rotarian or member of a Rotary Family club.

How Will We Collect Personal Information?

All the information is provided by your Rotary Club or Rotary Family club, or by the District it is part, or by Rotary International, and in some cases, may be provided by yourself, if you want to provide additional information using the website tools.

How Do We Use and Disclose Personal Information?

We will keep your personal information stored securely on our system, and will share it only with other Rotarians (and Rotary Family members) to whom will be required an authentication to gain access to the information. We will not release it to any other third party or provide it for anonymous visitors. You will not be placed on any third party mailing lists. None of your personal information will ever be shared, rented, sold or otherwise released to any other third party. If you do not want such data to be shared even with other Rotary members, we can remove the access of your data upon request.

Will I receive e-mails from you?

You may receive automatically-generated emails from District 4420, from district’s Rotary Clubs (or Rotary Family clubs) that are triggered when you perform certain tasks, or bulletins containing information about Rotary subjects. You may also receive emails from other club members. We do not control the frequency or content of club or member-generated emails. You will not receive from us any e-mail referring only to advertising, but the communication sent by the District, Rotary Clubs or Rotarians may contain advertising from Club’s or District’s supporters or sponsors.

Does Your Site Use “Cookies”?

Our site may use “cookies” which are small files containing pieces of information that are stored by your browser on your computer’s hard drive. The cookies can contain data to make it possible to recognize you and your preferences when using the website, but do not store any other personal information.

Is my usage of the tools tracked?

We use Google Analytics and other tools to track how visitors interact with our website, analyze where traffic is generated from and collect information related to general site engagement. We can also use tools to monitor clicks generated from e-mail marketing. Eventually third party advertising management services such as Google and Facebook may display tailored messages upon you interacting with our website through the use of cookies. When you engage with social share buttons (ex: Facebook Like Button or the share content buttons), the services that manage the social platform you get directed to may use cookies. District 4420 is not affiliated with any of these services and all legalities surrounding the use of cookies and social media are thus under the policies set by the social media platforms.

How Is My Personal Information Protected?

District 4420 is committed to protecting your personal information and we also understand your concerns about online security and we do our best to prevent the loss, misuse or alteration of information under our control, however we have no control over all internet usage, hacker techniques and other threats that eventually may occur, and so we cannot offer a full warranty or responsibility about attacks our stolen data.

May I stop sharing information?

While you are a Rotarian or member of Rotary Family clubs, usually your information is shared only between members of your club or between members of clubs from the District, with no public access, but yes, we can remove such data access upon request.

What If I Do Not Agree with Your Privacy Policy?

By visiting our web site and voluntarily providing personal information, as remaining a Rotarian or member of a Rotary Family Club, you agree to the terms of this online User Agreement and the Privacy Policy contained herein.

Note On Jurisdiction:

District 4420 is placed in São Paulo State, Brazil, and follows this Country and this State laws. District 4420 will also follow any laws from United States, Rotary International country of origin, and any Rotary International regulations that do not conflict to the local laws. By visiting this web site you agree that in all matters relating to this web site you shall be governed by the laws of Brazil and that any eventual dispute will be placed only in São Paulo city jurisdiction. You may not use this web site if law prohibits you from doing so in the country in which you reside.

What If I Have Any Questions About This Privacy Policy?

If you have any questions please contact us